How I Met my Game Gear
I am here and I am blogging! Sorry for the four-month absence. Here's a week of new posts to make up for it. I like to write about games from a personal perspective. I want to share how they intersect with my life. There are only so many reviews or straight-forward informative posts that I can write before I just lose interest. Why would anyone want to read my thoughts about a game, unless I can add a unique perspective or angle? I won’t just write about Kirby, I’ll write about using Kirby to bribe my daughter . I’m not content blogging about the demise of Saturn Junk - I have to tell you about how it’s led to a new found appreciation of Rick James . I’m guessing you approve, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. As always, thanks for reading. Today, I’m just going to share a memory, albeit one about games, that doesn’t really go anywhere. An afternoon that I was reminded of yesterday. It’s a Friday in 2009 and I’m working in Jimbocho, Tokyo. This was towards the end of my first s...