
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Best & Worst Games of 2016

The Best & Worst of 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 Well that was a year, wasn’t it? Lots of stuff happened. A big year for stuff. Lots of games too, and most of them were pretty good. 2016 was the year that my family and I moved to Japan. After years of mulling it over, we finally decided to take the plunge. It has been tough going at times, but overall it’s been a positive change and we’re happy to be back. In a year of so much upheaval, games have been a welcome and familiar distraction. In 2016, I finally bought an Xbox One, packed away my Wii U for good, was eventually wowed by VR but ultimately decided to pass, made my triumphant return to Tokyo Game Show and bought and played as many games as I could. I also started losing my hair, but that probably doesn’t have anything to do with video games. These are the games I played in 2016, to completion or something resembling it. PLAYED: 3D Gunstar Heroes, 3D Hang On, Abzu, Call of Duty: Advance Warfa

Trico & The End of Year Rush

October! Games! November! Games! December! More games! GAMES, exclamation mark. Big games, small games, bang-bang games, cat-dog games and games about Cup Noodles. I've been trying to cram in as many as possible before I write my Best & Worst of 2016 at the end of this month (2015 is here , including GOTY links going back to 2010). I bought far too much in the Black Friday sales, and have more games coming for Christmas. Forza Horizon 3, Titanfall 2, Mafia 3, Dead Rising 4, Ryse, Quantum Break, Rhythm Paradise Megamix, and an Xbox One, of course. And then there's my big, winter three: The Last Guardian, Yakuza 6, and Final Fantasy XV. The plan was to buy one to play immediately, get one as a Christmas present from my wife and hold off on the other until January/February, but I'm still partially undecided on which is which. My love for Yakuza is well documented and I predictably got caught up in the FF hype, despite my initial reservations . In the end, tho