Xbox Showcase 2023
That felt like E3. Microsoft clearly understood the assignment, in a way that Sony didn't quite . The Xbox Games Showcase generated some much-needed positive press, while offering proof that this generation is no longer stalling and that their acquisition-heavy strategy is poised to start paying off. The Showcase delivered several world premieres, offered a healthy mix of genres, and kept the chat to a bare minimum, at least for the first hour. Game followed game, and the "Play it Day One with Game Pass" graphic featured heavily. And to finish, a Starfield spotlight. The deep-dive was both tantalizing and tiresome, with Todd and his team talking up a good game. We'll soon see whether they can back it up. I tackled the 2-hour stream in chunks. I wasn't getting up at 2 AM to watch it live, and a busy morning meant that I had to pick at the presser as and when I could. I'm not sure whether this made it more palatable or robbed it of its momentum. I've never ...