
Showing posts from June, 2016

E3 2016

Hey, it's E3! THINGS I LIKED Sony's Press Conference - No filler, no marketing-speak, no mumbling developers dressed like fourteen year olds and no Powers. Sony gave us games, games and more games. Also an orchestra, which was nice. Death Stranding - Unexpected and very welcome. I can't wait to see Kojima's latest take shape. Resident Evil 7 - Capcom's survival horror has long been in need of a reboot. Even if the demo isn't entirely representative of the final game, it's great to see the series moving in a slightly different direction. Let's just hope there's room in that haunted house for Wesker. ABZU - Journey underwater. And who wouldn't want that? The Last Guardian Release Date - October 25th, October 25th, October 25th, October 25th (subject to change). Horizon Zero Dawn - This impressed for the second year in a row. It looks like a wonderful mix of Xenogears and Monster Hunter; I'm glad Guerrilla Games have f...

Some Thoughts on Uncharted 4

Yes, I'm in Japan! I'll tell you all about it soon. ********** When it comes to Uncharted, my expectations are impossibly high. Uncharted 2 is one of my favourite games of all time, and I consider Uncharted and Uncharted 3 to be among the best of the last gen . I adore the series and hold Naughty Dog in the highest of regards. Uncharted 4 was my most anticipated game since, well, Uncharted 3. And it is excellent, a fitting finale for an era defining franchise. All the same, it left me a little disappointed. It's missing some of the excitement of old. My favourite moments of U4 were some of its quietest, such as the trip down memory lane in Drake's loft and dinner on the sofa with Elena. ND are experts at creating believable and likable characters, and establishing chemistry between their leads. This is why low-key scenes like the dinnertime back-and-forth work so well. I thought Rafe was an excellent villain, Sully was as dependable as ever and, despite my...