E3 2016

Hey, it's E3! THINGS I LIKED Sony's Press Conference - No filler, no marketing-speak, no mumbling developers dressed like fourteen year olds and no Powers. Sony gave us games, games and more games. Also an orchestra, which was nice. Death Stranding - Unexpected and very welcome. I can't wait to see Kojima's latest take shape. Resident Evil 7 - Capcom's survival horror has long been in need of a reboot. Even if the demo isn't entirely representative of the final game, it's great to see the series moving in a slightly different direction. Let's just hope there's room in that haunted house for Wesker. ABZU - Journey underwater. And who wouldn't want that? The Last Guardian Release Date - October 25th, October 25th, October 25th, October 25th (subject to change). Horizon Zero Dawn - This impressed for the second year in a row. It looks like a wonderful mix of Xenogears and Monster Hunter; I'm glad Guerrilla Games have f...