The Best & Worst Games of 2016

The Best & Worst of 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 Well that was a year, wasn’t it? Lots of stuff happened. A big year for stuff. Lots of games too, and most of them were pretty good. 2016 was the year that my family and I moved to Japan. After years of mulling it over, we finally decided to take the plunge. It has been tough going at times, but overall it’s been a positive change and we’re happy to be back. In a year of so much upheaval, games have been a welcome and familiar distraction. In 2016, I finally bought an Xbox One, packed away my Wii U for good, was eventually wowed by VR but ultimately decided to pass, made my triumphant return to Tokyo Game Show and bought and played as many games as I could. I also started losing my hair, but that probably doesn’t have anything to do with video games. These are the games I played in 2016, to completion or something resembling it. PLAYED: 3D Gunstar Heroes, 3D Hang On, Abzu, Call of Duty: Advance Warfa...