PS3 Backlog-Burning

The PlayStation 3 is my favourite console. There, I said it. It arrived at the perfect time, when my long-held interest in games was kicking up a gear. I had started writing about them, and hanging out with like-minded people. I had both the time and the disposable income to enjoy that moment to the fullest - I had every major console of that generation, and I made the most of them. But most importantly, there was a plentiful supply of games that I loved, games that I still return to now. Sure, the PS3 was flawed, and Sony spent the first half of that gen shooting itself in the foot over and over, but the body of work is undeniable. If you need a reminder, see my Best of the Seventh Gen series or my one sentence write-ups for 180 PS3 games . Nostalgia has already well and truly kicked in for the seventh generation, but the used-game market has yet to fully catch on. PS3 is junk-retro, not proper retro, and this is reflected in the basement prices you can pick up most games for to...