TGS 2010 - Impressions & Pictures From Day 2
The second and final press day of TGS 2010 is now history. Hordes of fans will now descend on Makuhari Messe for the next two days, turning what were once 20 minute queues into 3 hour tests of endurance. Here are some of my thoughts from Fridays festivities, with lots more in-depth, game by game impressions to follow over the next few days, including 3rd Birthday, Killzone 3 with Move & 3D, Okamiden, El Shaddai and much more. KINNECT - Stevie (thedogbarks) and I decided that as soon as the hall doors opened we would make a beeline for the Microsoft stand to try out Kinnect, hoping to beat the lines from yesterday. When we got there, we saw a staff member placing his magnetic numbers onto the sign that informs you of the wait time. We were happy to see "10", but then he added a further "0" to the end. "Bollocks to that" I said and we played 3rd Birthday instead. ZOMBIES - As has been well documented, zombies seemed to be doing a good job of ta...