An Open Letter to Sony
Dear Sony, For the last fifteen years my home console of choice has been of the PlayStation variety, and while I may be a gaming polygamist, I'll always opt for Sony wherever possible. You continue to have my support and I want to see you succeed, but I fear you have all but pissed away two decades worth of goodwill with your haphazard approach to this generation. With each poorly executed new initiative, delayed response to a pressing issue, foolhardy quote from an overconfident executive or lengthy new firmware install, my enthusiasm for the PlayStation brand lessens. I fear that I'm not alone. I'm sure you’ll have noticed the volume of malicious comments that follow updates on your official blogs, including people threatening legal action because they can't buy Counter Strike just yet. These people are idiots, but their vitriol is indicative of a shift in popular opinion both within and without the industry. Your supporters are gradually start...