Sonic Advance 2: Save States and My Analogue Pocket

I have finally completed Sonic Advance 2! Took me long enough. I first got my copy back in late 2004. Maybe Christmas? I'd had a Game Boy Advance SP for a year, but I'd just used it for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, which was the only reason why I'd bought it in the first place. When I moved to Japan in late-2005, those were the only video games I brought with me. It should've been an ideal opportunity to lavish some attention on my GBA, being that I had no other handhelds or consoles to distract me, but that didn't happen. I used my first pay cheque to buy a white PSP, as well as a Saturn for the house, and my SP was immediately shelved. I barely used my GBA again, and I certainly never finished Sonic. It was far too tough. And besides, I had a full season running on NBA Live 2006 on my PSP, which demanded my attention. Seven seconds or less to get my Suns a championship. Fast forward the best part of two decades, and I have finally triumphed over Sonic Advance 2....