Monthly Round-up: February 2015

In Case You Missed It: Back to Blogging / Revisiting the Mansion (RE1 HD) / In Praise of Yakuza / The Correct Length February Playlist 1. Resident Evil Remake HD: I’d forgotten just how good the first Resident Evil was. I’m gradually making my way through Jill’s campaign, having finished with Chris’ earlier in the month - I achieved the best ending where Jill and Rebecca fall asleep in a helicopter. I will do everything in my power to ensure that Barry also has the chance to nod off in a chopper. 2. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: I’ve only played a measly five hours, as of late I have been struggling to go more than fifteen minutes without falling asleep and dropping the 3DS on my face. Still, I’m sure that I’ll be playing this for months to come. Words: New 3DS XL, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Dragon Age Inquisition This month I bought my third 3DS, because I like new things. I marked the release of one of my most anticipated games of 2015, Monst...