Killzone 3 & First-Person Shooters – Weekly Recommendations 28/02 – 06/03
Every week I give three gaming recommendations (very) loosely tied to something topical. These recommendations span platform, generation and genre and are all games that I have played, enjoyed and highly recommend. As always, comments are very welcome so please do chime in with any recommendations of your own. Check back each Monday for a new set, and click here for past entries. Last week saw the release of another entry in the Killzone series, Sony's much ballyhooed first-person shooter. This best-selling franchise has never been short on hype and despite being consistently very good, has always fallen short of being great, not quite making good on its substantial promise. Killzone 3 has been met with positive reviews, but by all accounts has once again not quite lived up to its significant hype. It's easy to appreciate why Sony pour so much money into the series, being that the FPS genre is as lucrative as it has ever been, and having provided a number of killer apps, c