A Degree in Split Screen

I always get excited when I find a new running route. Not too distant, by far enough away that I can do 7-8km and end up back at home, without having to run laps. Somewhere with the right mix of pavement space and greenery; few pedestrians but not entirely deserted. Someone needs to witness my athletic prowess. I found one such route a few evenings ago. A perfect 8km circuit, well-lit for night runs, concrete surface and featuring a leafy avenue that runs alongside a university campus. As I raced along, my mind wandered to thoughts of my years at the University of Nottingham. The leaves, the trees, the autumn breeze; it brought back memories of my time on that park-like campus. But memories of what? Old friends, lost loves, downed pints, life skills learned, degrees earned? Come on. I thought about video games, didn't I. Our uni-house had a PlayStation 2 (mine) and a GameCube (a friends). We weren't cool enough to have a Dreamcast, or weird enough to have an Xbox. The Nintendo...