PlayStation 3 - What We Said
The PS3 has been discontinued in Japan after an eleven year run. To mark the occasion, I’m writing a couple of posts about my favourite console. *** These are actual things we said about the PS3. We said them with our mouths, in our heads and on our blogs. Opinions, invented in 2005 by IGN, were all the rage during the seventh generation. We all had them, and were desperate to share. We complained, wrote thousands of words about the state of the industry, made sweeping statements, asked questions on “forums” and complained some more. With our mouths, in our heads and on our blogs. “It gets better after twenty hours” One of the most disappointing games of the last generation, Final Fantasy XIII confined players to tight corridors for twenty hours before opening up into something better resembling a FF game. If you stuck with it long enough, you were treated to a middling JRPG, albeit a pretty one. It spawned two sequels that no one liked. “Is it an easy Platinum?” No one care...