UFOMO - UFO 50 & The Fear of Missing Out

I was looking forward to playing UFO 50. An anthology of 50 fictional 8-bit-style games, it sounded like the perfect thing to dip in and out of between the longer, more demanding games that seem to eat up so much of my time these days. I consider anything over 15 hours to be long and demanding, and am right to do so. Anyway, I'm not playing UFO 50, and that's because it's currently PC-only and I don't have a gaming PC. I just assumed that it would, at the very least, already be on Switch, but I was wrong. I'm sure it'll eventually land on consoles but, right now, I've got serious FOMO. Or UFOMO, if you will. In an age of dwindling platform exclusives, and as a multi-platform owner, I rarely find myself missing out. But back in the day, things were different, and that fear led directly to hardware purchases that I wouldn't have otherwise made, or asked my parents to make come Christmas or birthdays. Some of these purchases were inspired, others less so. ...