
Showing posts from June, 2024

Venba: Home Cooking & Familiar Conversations

Starting a family overseas, or moving your family abroad, is a huge decision. Venba captures the weight of that choice, distilling twenty years of family life into a couple of hours by focusing on a handful of key moments, all of which involve home cooking. It's charming, touching, entertaining, and refreshingly brief. Venba and her husband, Paavalan, have left their home of Tamil, south India, to start a new life in Toronto. In an early scene, we see them agonising over whether this decision to uproot was the right one. They ponder the opportunities and challenges their new life presents, and what it will afford their unborn child, Kavin. They talk about their struggles to find work befitting their experience, the difficulties of mastering a new language, and openly wonder how this will affect their soon-to-be expanded family.  These are conversations I know all too well, as I've had them with my family many times. My wife (Japanese) and I (British) had lived between our two h...