Gitaroo Man Lives - Overcoming a Skill Issue

I needed to focus. The final stage of Gitaroo Man Lives required my full and undivided attention. Without it, I had no chance of seeing the final credits. A dozen previous attempts had been thwarted by a variety of maladies including, but not limited to: thumb cramp, screen glare, itchy face, an unresponsive circle button, a general lack of rhythm, and people trying to talk to me. I needed to be left alone so that I could focus. So I grabbed my headphones, mumbled something to my family about needing to do a thing upstairs, and retreated to a quiet corner of the spare room. I closed the door, drew the curtains, rolled up my sleeves and decided that I would not emerge until I was victorious. Twenty minutes, and another dozen or so attempts later, and the credits rolled. I had done it! I had beaten Gitaroo Man Lives, a game that I both loved and loathed, depending on my performance. Just in case you don't know: Gitaroo Man Lives!, or Gitaroo Man Live! in Japan, is a 2006 PSP p...