Announcement: Nothing to See Here‏

Unless something earth shattering happens in the next two weeks, such as a Timesplitters 4 reveal or Keiji Inafune saying something complimentary about Japanese games, I won't be updating toomanywires for the rest of the month. There are plenty of topics I'd love to write about - Metal Gear Solid 3 HD, the state of the Vita, Binary Domain, PixelJunk 4am and more - but at the moment I'm struggling to find the time to blog.

I’ll be back with a vengeance in June, just in time for E3 speculation, surprises and disappointment. In the meantime, there are 200+ posts in the archive for your perusal and I'll still be jabbering away on twitter @toomanywiresUK.

I'll see you back here in June.




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