The End of Weekly Recommendations

I have posted a set of Weekly Recommendations each and every Monday for the last seven months. They consist of three games which I have played and highly recommend, all loosely related to a topical news story. I have greatly enjoyed dipping into my video game collection and sharing my thoughts on a multitude of games old and new, but I think it’s time to move onto something a bit different.

Before I go into the details of its replacement, here are the games which have featured over the last 28 posts, grouped and linked as they were posted, ready for your perusing pleasure.

Final Fantasy VIII - Call of Duty: Black Ops - MassEffect 2

From next week I shall be running a new series of weekly posts tentatively called The Monday Spotlight, where I will take an in-depth look at one gaming topic. The subject of these posts will differ each week and will include games, consoles, developers, publishers, key industry figures, events and everything else in between. All gaming related topics will be fair game, and I will attempt to offer some history and insight for each.

I will be kicking off the series next Monday with an in-depth look at the ups and downs of the Sega Saturn. Celebrated and ridiculed, the Saturn broke an industry powerhouse yet was home to an array of ground-breaking and critically acclaimed titles.

Be sure to check back next week for the first of many Monday Spotlights and keep visiting toomanywires throughout the week as new content is constantly being added.




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