The State of Things - Podcasts, 500 Posts and TGS

I have some updates for you.

Firstly, I finally did that thing I said I'd do: I started a podcast!

Eventually Games is a show where I eventually talk about games. I ramble on about something - life in Japan, some long-winded anecdote, current events, pop culture, blacksmiths - before inevitably landing on game-speak. It's a format to please everyone, and please no one.

It's a solo podcast for now, and I'm limiting the episodes to around 15 minutes. A bitsized glimpse into my mind, which you can expect to arrive on a weekly basis, and perhaps more frequently on those weeks when I'm feeling extra socialable. It's been an eye-opening experience so far, and I've already learnt a lot in the space of two epsiodes. For example, which side of the mic to speak into, something I discovered between episode one and episode two.

Follow me for professional insights into podcasting.

Anyway, it'd mean a lot if you gave it a listen and considered subscribing, if you enjoy what you hear. For now, you can find Eventually Games on the following platforms, with more to follow when I get them set up.

Look at me being productive! And speaking of productivity, I recently noticed that I'm fast approaching 500 posts here at Toomanywires - this one is no. 498. 

I started blogging here at the tail-end of 2010, having moved from, which at that point was in its death throes. I'd previously blogged briefly at FC2 but those posts have long since been lost, as has the vast majority of my writing on the 1UP community blogs. Back in 2010, I still held out hope that writing about games might provide a steady stream of income, but I had already given up on it being a full-time occupation. I soon realized that I was best served writing for my own entertainment, for the most part anyway. I write, first and foremost, for myself but I'm extremely flattered when others enjoy my words.

I have yet to give up on working in the game industry in some capacity, however. We'll keep an eye on that.

I should probably make the 500th post a special one, but I'm at a loss for ideas. Five hundred Saturn games you must play before you die? Five hundred reasons why I never want to play The Last of Us ever again, despite it being a "good game"? Five hundred times I accidently opened PS Home when I was trying to open the PS Store? Five hundred words on NBA Live '97?

I've got a week to figure it out before my Tokyo Game Show coverage kicks in. I'll be in attendance on the press days, which are September 15th-16th - this will be my eighth show with a press pass. It took a while to get my pass sorted this time around, but it was worth the effort. I must have emailed every editor of every gaming publication that has ever existed, exists, or will exist. A thankless task where any kind of reply, even a rejection, is a minor miracle. I don't know how full-time freelancers do it. Anyway, I persisted and have succeeded in lining-up some paid-writing for the first time in far too long. It feels pretty good.

I'll also be posting plenty of impressions here, on Twitter, and on Eventually Games too.

Did I mention I started a podcast?


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