TGS 2018 - Day Two Roundup

And that’s a wrap for Tokyo Game Show.

The press days are over. All that remains for me to do is write up some hands-on impressions, throw out the rubbish I accumulated over the last two days, and try not to think about all the money I spent on trains, food, drink and video game junk.

The Endless Wander

There wasn’t anything that I was dying to play on Day Two. I figured I’d head straight for Sony and see if I could get some time with Days Gone. That didn’t work out, so I settled for the Claire demo for Resident Evil 2. I’ll share my thoughts on RE2 in the coming days, but overall both the Leon and Claire scenarios were excellent.

After that, I spent most of the day aimlessly wandering from booth to booth, checking wait times and trying to decide if I wanted to play anything else. I had a go at Earth Defense Force Iron Rain because the queue was short, and I also joined the line for Ace Combat 7 for the same reason, but ditched it once it became clear that the wait time was far longer than advertised. I pondered Soul Calibur 6 but never went for it, and also took a stroll through the large indie area. There were lots of interesting games on show, but it was kind of overwhelming, so I didn’t end up playing anything there. It’s not as if I went to TGS to play games or anything!

A T-shirt

I was born to wear the Alex Kid t-shirt at the top of this post. It’s ugly, yet also special. However, once I’d seen the price tag - ¥3900 – I quickly moved on. I could get four ugly t-shirts for that price, though admittedly they wouldn’t feature Alex Kidd, which was kind of the point.

The Industry

As always, I had a great time at TGS. Playing new games is always fun, but it’s being part of an industry event that I enjoy most. You get to meet a lot of interesting people on the show floor and also in the evening, and it’s a great opportunity to learn about the different things that go into making and covering games. Good games, good people, good times.

Odds & Ends
  • Capcom – Between DMC5 and RE2, Capcom had a very strong showing. Their booth was rammed both days.
  • VR - VR had less of a presence than the last two years. Sony had a collection of VR titles to play, and there were a number of indie games using headsets, but I got the feeling that the industry is already moving on from the current gen of hardware.
  • God Eater 2 – This was pulling in the punters at Bandai Namco. It’s a series that I have always overlooked, but I can certainly see the Monster Hunter-lite appeal.
  • Judge Eyes – Yakuza Studio’s new game was a major attraction at Sega, despite the fact that the demo is already available on the PS Store. I couldn’t understand why people were queuing!

An Excellent Bowl of Ramen

This was an excellent bowl of ramen. Look at it! A wonderful way to end the week.

Check back over the coming days for hands-on impressions of Resident Evil 2, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Tetris Effect, Devil May Cry 5 and lots more.


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